Wednesday 28 March 2018

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Explicador: como os banqueiros fixaram negócios de divisas e por que é criminoso.
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"Oh, o que é uma teia emaranhada que nós weave. Quando primeiro praticamos enganar ".
O comentário de Sir Walter Scott poderia ter sido feito sobre os LIBOR e os escândalos cambiais (forex) envolvendo os maiores bancos do mundo.
Pela primeira vez, parece que os bancos em questão podem ter que enfrentar acusações criminais por manipular benchmarks forex, em vez dos assentamentos civis e grandes penalidades que concordaram até este momento. Como chegamos aqui?
Imagine se você teve um bom amigo que veio até você dizendo que ele / ela estava sem dinheiro e estava vendendo uma propriedade de investimento. Um agente estava se aproximando hoje para valorizar a propriedade e ele iria oferecê-lo ao preço do avaliador, se você pudesse prosseguir imediatamente, eles precisavam do dinheiro o mais rápido possível. Você conhece a propriedade, tem um pouco de dinheiro pronto e concorda, para um amigo.
O que é que você fez? Você comprou uma propriedade por um preço desconhecido que você realmente não quer, então terá que vender novamente. O preço da casa pode subir, mas também pode cair antes de vendê-lo. E quanto aos custos de vendas? Você assumiu muito risco, por não muito retorno, exceto a amizade. Este não é um investimento muito "racional".
Acredite ou não, isso é o que os mestres do universo nas mesas de negociação forex do mundo estavam fazendo. Não é de admirar que tenham problemas.
Embora existam muitas semelhanças entre a LIBOR e os escândalos forex, o que não é menos o comportamento deplorável de comerciantes de mercado e corretores em meio a falhas de altos funcionários e reguladores para detectar e gerenciar esse mau comportamento, há uma diferença fundamental entre os dois escândalos que é importante.
O escândalo LIBOR era sobre os comerciantes que detinham grandes posições em taxas de juros (IRS), estabelecendo taxas de referência que se beneficiavam ao custo de seus clientes. Basicamente, era uma ganância.
Até certo ponto, o mesmo é verdade para os comerciantes de forex que manipularam o benchmark WMR "4 o'clock fixado internacionalmente", muitas vezes encurtado para o "Fix". Mas, ao contrário da LIBOR, o Fix não foi definido por adivinhação, mas por negociação real no mercado.
Embora não tolhemos o comportamento abominável dos comerciantes de forex que manipularam o Fix, eles têm um argumento de que "foi o mercado me fez fazer isso", um argumento juvenil, é claro, mas que é economicamente racional.
O mercado forex é enorme, com um volume de negócios de cerca de US $ 5,3 trilhões de moeda em cada dia de negociação. A Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) estima que o comércio anual total de bens e serviços entre países do mundo foi de US $ 17 trilhões em 2018. Isso significa que o mercado de câmbio gasta mais de 80 vezes o total das exportações de comércio global em um ano. Qual é o propósito econômico dos quase 99% da negociação cambial que não está relacionada ao comércio entre países?
Até certo ponto (mas não todos), uma grande parte dessa negociação é a nossa obsessão com os mercados de ações globais. Muitos de nós (de forma inconsciente ou inconscientemente através dos nossos fundos super / pensões) são investidos em ações denominadas em US $, Euros, Yuan e assim por diante, e há necessidade de transferir dinheiro entre essas moedas todos os dias e também "reavaliar" "Nossas participações em uma base regular.
Os maiores fundos de pensão são "amigos" com os negociantes de divisas do mundo, já que eles têm que negociar bilhões de dólares de transações de capital entre si por dia. De fato, em muitos casos, eles são amigos muito próximos, fazendo parte do mesmo grande grupo bancário, por exemplo, NAB e MLC. (Nota: nenhuma dessas organizações foi implicada na manipulação da correção).
Para manter o negócio com os gestores de ativos / fundos, o mercado cambial tem no decorrer do tempo envolvido em uma prática comercial muito irracional, na medida em que concordaram em comprar / vender moeda para os gestores de ativos "AT FIX", ou seja, o preço no Fix. Eles, como o nosso "amigo", compraram algo que eles realmente não queriam por um preço que eles ainda não sabem e que devem se livrar dele muito rápido ou podem fazer uma perda se o mercado se mover de repente. Esta é realmente uma situação "sem vitória e sem vitória".
Então o que fazer? Se você pudesse encontrar "outro amigo" que estava na posição oposta e queria comprar quando queria vender, você poderia simplesmente concordar em trocar e todos ficariam felizes, mesmo que nenhum dos dois ganhasse dinheiro no negócio. Mas os clientes estão felizes.
Infelizmente, o "amigo" neste caso é outro negociante de Forex em outro banco e, tecnicamente, você não tem permissão para falar com ele sob as regras do auto-regulador da indústria, a Associação Cambista Internacional (ACI), também conhecida como a Associação de Mercados Financeiros (FMA).
Mas você conversa com seus amigos o tempo todo, você se encontra com bebidas no bar local e conversa uns com os outros através de salas de bate-papo na internet que você criou para se gabar de suas desvantagens de golfe. Muito simples, você me arrume as costas desta vez e vou arranhar sua próxima vez.
E é assim que começa. Em breve você está falando com "amigos" todos os dias, ajudando-se mutuamente e até convidando mais amigos para as salas de chat para ajudá-los também. O mercado está funcionando como deveria ser se as regras estiverem dobradas um pouco.
Mas mesmo que seus amigos sejam muito úteis, às vezes há uma lacuna e existe o risco de ter comprado algo que só pode vender com prejuízo. E se o Fix pudesse ser encurralado um pouco para reduzir o risco? Talvez um amigo poderia colocar uma ordem de compra / venda antes do Fix para empurrar o Fix na direção "direita"? E se você soubesse que isso aconteceria, por que você não contaria a seus amigos na sala de bate-papo sobre o "empurrão", e eles podem fazer um pouco para compensá-los pelo risco que assumiram de comprar / vender "AT FIX ".
Uma inclinação escorregadia.
Até agora, é claro, você cruzou bem a linha entre o nivelamento do mercado e a manipulação e cheio de bravatas, você nomeia suas salas de bate-papo com nomes esquisitos como "o Cartel", o "Clube dos Bandidos" e a "Mafia" rapazes serão rapazes.
E uma vez que se tornou conhecido que o Fix poderia ser corrigido, todos os tipos de mau comportamento começaram, como desencadear deliberadamente as ordens do "stop loss" do cliente. O regulador dos EUA, a Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) dá um exemplo de alguns dos shenanigans por um comerciante do HSBC, como se esse banco particular precisasse de publicidade mais ruim.
É óbvio que, no início, o uso dos negócios "At Fix" não era muito racional, mas poderia ser visto como ajudando a relacionar o cliente de cimento, mas, à medida que a prática crescia, tornou-se economicamente insustentável para dar a todos a mesma ruptura. Em vez de abordar a irracionalidade / estupidez, no entanto, alguns comerciantes de Forex foram para o lado escuro, primeiro conectando a lacuna, em seguida, aproveitando a oportunidade ilícita para obter lucros.
Enquanto isso, o gerenciamento bancário colheu os lucros e os reguladores não sabiam bem. Os comerciantes foram culpados, mas o "sistema" foi culpa e corrigir que deve haver regulamentação sistêmica. Nem é apenas a LIBOR e a Fix, os benchmarks de commodities também parecem estar sob ataque. Os reguladores precisam se afastar e entender o mercado e as pressões sociais nas quais os comerciantes trabalham para fechar lacunas como a manipulação de benchmark no mercado.

Forex o'clock tv
\ nUK Sterling está tendo uma sessão de alta e está no topo da tabela de avarias e declinadores, ponto de troca de 12% contra a moeda única, que é maioritariamente maior.
\ nSwiss Franc é o ponto 41% sul do euro.
\ nLonia Dólar é o mais otimista das moedas de três commodities na mesa e está perto do nível com o Greenback.
\ N Os dados dos EUA de alta importância mostraram resultados mistos e o Greenback é um ponto 11% acima do dólar de Ozzy.
O sentimento dos observadores da economia japonesa foi relatado em declínio e o iene é seguido pelo dólar da Nova Zelândia, que encerra a mesa.
\ nPasta semana foi otimista para a Nova Zelândia \ / Canadá, pois o par mostra um ganho de 2,16%. Canadá \ / Yen é o declinador superior com um slide de 2,66%.
\ nNew Zealand \ / greenback lidera o gráfico mensal de touros com um ganho de 3,32%. Dólar / Canadá é o par mais grosso e é o único que está em mais de 2%.
\ nJo2019m Jessica Walker e isso envolve os Movers and Shakers para sexta-feira. Tenha um bom final de semana e clique novamente na segunda-feira para mais. Adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
A Sterling / Nova Zelândia ganhou terreno acentuadamente e o par apreciou um total de 1,3%, que é o maior movimento do dia.
UK Sterling está tendo uma sessão de alta e está em cima da tabela de avanços e declinadores, ponto de troca de 12% em relação à moeda única, que é maioritariamente maior.
O franco suíço é o ponto 41% ao sul do euro.
O dólar do Loonie é o mais otimista das moedas de três commodities na mesa e está perto do nível com o Greenback.
A alta importância dos dados dos EUA mostrou resultados mistos e o Greenback é um ponto 11% acima do Ozzy Dollar.
O sentimento dos observadores da economia japonesa foi relatado em declínio e o iene é seguido pelo dólar da Nova Zelândia, que encerra a mesa.
A semana passada foi alta para a Nova Zelândia / Canadá, pois o par mostra um ganho de 2,16%. Canadá / Yen é o declinador superior com um slide de 2,66%.
Nova Zelândia / greenback lidera o gráfico mensal de touros com um ganho de 3,32%. Dólar / Canadá é o par mais grosso e é o único que está abaixo de mais de 2%.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e isso envolve os Movers and Shakers para sexta-feira. Tenha um bom final de semana e clique novamente na segunda-feira para mais. Adeus.
\ nA moeda única foi impulsionada pela publicação otimista dos minutos da reunião de dezembro do Banco Central Europeu e está no topo da tabela.
\ nAs vendas de varejo australiano aumentaram mais rapidamente do que o esperado e o dólar australiano se dedica principalmente mais alto e está quase nivelado com o Dólar da Nova Zelândia, que é apenas uma fração do dólar suíço.
\ nUK Sterling é um ponto 16% acima do Greenback. Os preços dos produtores dos EUA caíram e as reivindicações de desemprego cresceram.
\ nJapanese Yen é apenas do dólar Loonie.
O índice de preço da casa nova canadense foi ligeiramente suave com um aumento mensal de apenas 1%.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / O Canadá teve uma semana de alta e o casal apreciou 1,77%. Euro \ / Nova Zelândia é o declinador superior e é 1.75% no vermelho.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / Greenback e Austrália \ / Greenback ganharam mais de 4% no mês passado. Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia é o par mais grosso com uma queda de 2,64%.
\ nJeve2019m Jack Everitt e isso envolve os Movers and Shakers para quinta-feira. Nós estaremos de volta amanhã com a edição final da semana \ u2019s, mas por agora, adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
O Euro / Canadá viu um aumento acentuado depois do horário GMT e o par ganhou um ponto 8% para postar o melhor movimento do dia.
A moeda única foi impulsionada pela publicação em alta dos minutos da reunião de dezembro do Banco Central Europeu e está em cima da mesa.
As vendas no varejo australiano aumentaram mais rapidamente do que o esperado e o dólar australiano se dedica principalmente mais alto e quase está nivelado com o Dólar da Nova Zelândia, que é apenas uma fração do franco suíço.
UK Sterling é um ponto 16% acima do Greenback. Os preços dos produtores dos EUA caíram e as reivindicações de desemprego cresceram.
O iene japonês é apenas do dólar Loonie.
O índice canadense de preços das casas novas foi ligeiramente suave com um aumento mensal de apenas 1%.
Nova Zelândia / Canadá teve uma semana de alta e o casal apreciou 1,77%. O Euro / Nova Zelândia é o declinador superior e é 1,75% no vermelho.
Nova Zelândia / Greenback e Austrália / Greenback ganharam mais de 4% no último mês. Sterling / Nova Zelândia é o par mais grosso com uma queda de 2,64%.
Eu sou Jack Everitt e isso envolve os Movers and Shakers para quinta-feira. Nós estaremos de volta amanhã com a edição final desta semana, mas por agora, adeus.
As ações do \ nUS abriram no território negativo e o iene japonês ocupa o primeiro lugar no gráfico, já que o Bank of Japan surpreendeu os mercados ontem, reduzindo as compras de títulos japoneses de longo prazo.
\ nSwiss Franc também está tendo uma sessão de alta e está negociando quase com o dólar da Nova Zelândia.
\ nA moeda única é um ponto 12% acima do dólar australiano e, em seguida, há um pouco de lacuna.
\ NUS os preços de importação aumentaram menos do que o estimado, mas o Greenback viu uma pressão descendente sobre os relatórios. As autoridades chinesas podem evitar comprar dívidas do governo americano.
\ nLas licenças de construção canadenses caíram 7,7% mês a mês e o dólar Loonie está perto do fundo da mesa e apenas da libra esterlina, uma vez que aumentou o déficit da balança comercial do Reino Unido.
\ nNew Zealand Dollar teve uma semana de alta, tanto contra o Greenback quanto o Swissie, pois os dois pares mostram aumentos similares. Euro \ / Nova Zelândia é o declinador superior ao longo do mesmo termo, ficando 1,58% no vermelho.
\ NAustralia \ / Greenback e New Zealand \ / Greenback ganharam cerca de 4% ao longo do mês passado. Dólar \ / Canadá é o declinador superior, ficando perto de 3% no vermelho.
\ nJo2019m Jessica Walker e você já assistiu os Dukascopy Movers and Shakers para a quarta-feira. Clique de volta para mais, mas por enquanto, adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
Sterling tirou um slide nítido contra o iene japonês e o par perdeu 1,25%, que é o melhor movimento do dia.
As ações dos EUA abriram no território negativo e o iene japonês ocupa o primeiro lugar no gráfico, já que o Bank of Japan surpreendeu os mercados ontem, reduzindo as compras de títulos japoneses de longo prazo.
O Franco suíço também está tendo uma sessão de alta e está negociando quase com o dólar da Nova Zelândia.
A moeda única é um ponto 12% acima do dólar australiano e, em seguida, há um pouco de lacuna.
Os preços de importação dos EUA aumentaram menos do que o estimado, mas o Greenback viu uma pressão descendente sobre os relatórios que as autoridades chinesas podem evitar comprar dívidas do governo americano.
As licenças de construção canadenses caíram 7,7% mês a mês e o dólar Loonie está perto do fundo da tabela e somente da libra esterlina, uma vez que o aumento do saldo comercial do Reino Unido aumentou.
Dólar da Nova Zelândia teve uma semana de alta em relação ao Greenback e ao Swissie, pois ambos os pares mostram aumentos similares. Euro / Nova Zelândia é o declinador superior ao longo do mesmo termo, ficando 1,58% no vermelho.
Austrália / Greenback e Nova Zelândia / Greenback ganharam cerca de 4% no último mês. Dólar / Canadá é o declinador superior, ficando perto de 3% no vermelho.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e você está assistindo os Dukascopy Movers and Shakers para a quarta-feira. Clique de volta por mais, mas por enquanto, adeus.
A confiança do consumidor japonês escorregou, mas Yen toca a mesa enquanto o comércio é retomado no Japão após um fim de semana de três dias.
\ nGreenback é arrastado de perto pelo Dólar da Nova Zelândia, que é o mais otimista das moedas de três commodities na mesa.
\ nLas paradas de habitação na Califórnia foram suaves e o dólar de Loonie está a 24% do sul do dólar do quivi.
\ nO dado alemão e da Zona Euro foi positivo, mas a moeda única está perto do final da tabela e quase mesmo com a libra esterlina, que foi arrastada mais baixo pela reorganização do gabinete do Reino Unido.
\ nAs aprovações de construção australiana pularam em dois dígitos, mas o dólar de Ozzy é o mais baixista das moedas de três commodities.
A taxa de desemprego da Reuters diminuiu e a queda das vendas no varejo diminuiu bruscamente, mas Swissie encerra a mesa.
\ nCanada \ / Swissie lidera a tabela semanal de touros e a Nova Zelândia / Swissie mostra um aumento semelhante também. Euro \ / Canadá é o declinador superior ao longo do mesmo termo, ficando 1,6% no vermelho.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / Yen teve um mês de alta e o par apreciou 4,59%. Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia e Euro \ / Nova Zelândia ambos diminuíram até mesmo 3,04%.
\ nI & # 039; m Jessica Walker e estes foram os motores e agitadores para terça-feira. Sintonize-se amanhã para ver o que está acontecendo nos mercados FX, até então. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
Swissie / Yen é o motor do dia, já que o par perdeu quase 1% em um declínio acentuado que durou a maior parte da sessão.
A confiança do consumidor japonês escorregou, mas Yen toca a mesa enquanto o comércio é retomado no Japão após um fim de semana de três dias.
O dólar é acompanhado de perto pelo dólar da Nova Zelândia, que é o mais otimista das três moedas de commodities na mesa.
Os começos habitacionais canadenses foram suaves e o dólar Loonie é 24% do sul do dólar do quivi.
Os dados da Alemanha e da Zona Euro foram positivos, mas a moeda única está perto do fundo da tabela e quase mesmo com a libra esterlina, que foi arrastada mais baixo pela Reorganização do gabinete do Reino Unido.
As aprovações de construção australianas aumentaram em dois dígitos, mas Ozzy Dollar é a mais baixa das três moedas de commodities.
A taxa de desemprego da Suíça diminuiu e a queda das vendas no varejo diminuiu bruscamente, mas Swissie encerra a mesa.
Canadá / Swissie lidera a tabela semanal de touros e a Nova Zelândia / Swissie também mostra um aumento semelhante. Euro / Canadá é o declínio superior ao longo do mesmo termo, ficando 1,6% no vermelho.
Nova Zelândia / Yen teve um mês de alta e o par apreciou 4,59%. A Sterling / Nova Zelândia e a Euro / Nova Zelândia diminuíram até 3,04%.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e estes foram os motores e agitadores para terça-feira. Sintonize-se amanhã para ver o que está acontecendo nos mercados de FX, até então.
\ nJapan goza de um feriado de mercado quando o Dia da Vinda é observado e o iene é o mais otimista dos 8 maiores.
O n. º Dólar da Zelândia é comercializado principalmente mais alto e está quase nivelado com o Greenback.
O índice de preços do Produtor de vendas manteve-se em nível mês a mês e a Swissie é apenas um pouco norte da libra esterlina. O índice de preço da casa do Reino Unido Halifax decepcionado com uma queda mensal de ponto 6%.
\ nAustralian Dollar está apenas um pouco acima do dólar Loonie antes da publicação da pesquisa do Google Business Outlook do Banco do Canadá.
\ nA moeda única encerra a tabela à medida que as ordens de fábrica alemãs desapontaram, mas a confiança dos investidores da Zona Euro e as vendas no varejo foram positivas.
\ nPasta semana foi otimista para o Canadá \ / Yen, que mostra o avançado superior de 1,45%. Euro \ / Canada é o par mais grosso com uma queda de 1,24%.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / Yen ganhou mais terreno no último mês e é 4.79% no verde. Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia toca a tabela de baixa com um slide de 2,79%.
\ n \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ' Adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
O dia do Euro / Yen foi de baixa e o par perdeu um total de 69%, o que é o maior movimento até agora.
O Japão goza de um feriado de mercado quando o Dia da Vinda é observado e o iene é o mais otimista dos 8 maiores.
Dólar da Nova Zelândia se dedica principalmente mais alto e quase está com o Greenback.
O índice de preços dos produtores suíços manteve-se em nível mês a mês e Swissie é apenas um pouco norte da libra esterlina. O índice de preço da casa do Reino Unido Halifax decepcionado com uma queda mensal de ponto 6%.
Dólar australiano está apenas um pouco acima do dólar do Loonie antes da publicação da pesquisa de perspectivas de negócios do Banco do Canadá.
A moeda única encerra a mesa à medida que as ordens da fábrica alemãs desapontaram, mas a confiança dos investidores da Zona Euro e as vendas no varejo foram positivas.
A semana passada foi otimista para o Canadá / Iene, o que mostra o melhor adiantamento de 1,45%. Euro / Canadá é o par mais grosso com uma queda de 1,24%.
Nova Zelândia / Iene ganhou mais terreno no último mês e é 4.79% no verde. Sterling / Nova Zelândia toca a mesa de baixa pressão com um slide de 2,79%.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e isso é tudo para Movers e Shakers de segunda-feira, mas clique de volta amanhã para o próximo relatório. Adeus.
A taxa de desemprego canadense caiu e a mudança de emprego saltou, enviando o dólar Loonie fortemente mais alto e o mais otimista dos 8 maiores.
\ nKiwi Dólar negocia perto do topo da mesa e ele é apenas um pouco acima da UK Sterling.
\ nUS mudança de emprego não agrícola decepcionada, colocando pressão descendente sobre o Greenback.
\ nA balança comercial australiana caiu para 63 bilhões nas negociações do dólar vermelho e Ozzy em uma faixa próxima com a moeda única.
\ nFlash Euro Zone CPI mostrou inflação anual abrandando para 1,4%.
\ nSwiss Franc é apenas do ien japonês, que envolve a tabela de avançantes e declinadores.
O aumento de \ nLonia Dólar \ u2019 faz Canada \ / Yen o avançado superior na semana passada com um ganho superior a 2%. Dólar / Canadá é o declinador superior e 1,44% em vermelho.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / Yen lidera a tabela mensal de avanço e o par aumentou em quase 5%. Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia depreciou-se o máximo e 2.57% no vermelho.
\ nI \ u2019m Jessica Walker e isso é por agora. Tenha um bom fim de semana e cheque na segunda-feira para mais informações sobre os Mercados FX. Adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
Canadá / Yen disparou após 1 PM e o par ganhou um sólido 1,26% para postar o melhor movimento do dia.
A taxa de desemprego canadense caiu e a mudança de emprego saltou, enviando o dólar de Loonie fortemente maior e é o mais otimista dos 8 maiores.
Dólar de Kiwi é negociado perto do topo da mesa e é apenas um pouco acima do Reino Unido Sterling.
Mudança de emprego não-agrícola dos EUA decepcionada, pressionando para baixo o Greenback.
A balança comercial australiana caiu para 63 bilhões nas negociações do dólar vermelho e Ozzy em uma faixa próxima com a moeda única.
O Flash Euro Zone CPI mostrou que a inflação anual desacelerou para 1,4%.
O franco suíço é apenas do iene japonês, que encerra a tabela de avarias e declinadores.
O aumento do dólar de Loonie faz Canadá / Yen o melhor advancer na semana passada com um ganho superior a 2%. Dólar / Canadá é o declinador superior e é 1,44% no vermelho.
Nova Zelândia / Yen lidera a tabela de avanço mensal e o par aumentou em quase 5%. Sterling / Nova Zelândia depreciou-se o máximo e é 2,57% no vermelho.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e é isso por enquanto. Tenha um bom fim de semana e cheque na segunda-feira para mais informações sobre os Mercados FX. Adeus.
\ nFinal Serviços da Zona Euro O PMI foi revisado mais alto e a moeda única ocupa o primeiro lugar na mesa.
\ nChina Services PMI mostrou um aumento sólido para 53,9 e uma moeda de commodities O dólar Kiwi é apenas um pouco ao sul do avançado.
\ nSwiss Franc negocia em uma estreita faixa com a Sterling.
Os dados do \ nUK foram positivos - Os serviços aumentaram PMI e o índice de preços da casa a nível nacional saltou.
\ n Então, há um par de moedas de mercadorias \ u2018 Dólares australianos e canadenses.
\ NUS ADP mudança de emprego não agrícola foi positiva, mas o Greenback está perto do fundo da mesa e apenas do iene japonês seguro, que encerra a tabela de avarias e declinadores.
\ NEuro \ / Dólar retorna ao primeiro lugar da tabela de touros semanais com um ganho de cerca de 1%. Dollar \ / Canada tops the decliners section, ponto de espera 56% no vermelho.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / Yen teve um mês de alta e o par é de 3,63% no verde. 2,66% é o principal declínio e é publicado por Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia.
\ nVocê era o Jack Everitt e estes eram Movers e Shakers da quinta-feira. Junte-se a nós de novo amanhã para o último recapitulação desta semana, mas, por enquanto, adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
O euro tem vindo a aumentar em relação ao iene japonês e o par é o ponto 77% no verde para marcar o maior movimento do dia.
Serviços finais da zona do euro O PMI foi revisado mais alto e a moeda única ocupa o primeiro lugar na mesa.
China Services PMI mostrou um aumento sólido para 53,9 e uma moeda de commodities O dólar de Kiwi é apenas um pouco ao sul do avançado.
Franco suíço é negociado em uma estreita faixa com a libra esterlina.
Os dados do Reino Unido foram positivos - Os serviços PMI aumentaram e o índice de preços da casa em todo o país saltou.
Depois, há algumas moedas de commodities - dólares australianos e canadenses.
A mudança de emprego não agrícola da US ADP foi positiva, mas o Greenback está perto do fundo da mesa e apenas do iene japonês seguro, que encerra a tabela de avarias e declinadores.
Euro / Dólar retorna ao primeiro lugar da tabela semanal de touros com um ganho de cerca de 1%. Dólar / Canadá toca a seção de declinadores, ponto de pé 56% no vermelho.
Nova Zelândia / Iene teve um mês de alta e o par é de 3,63% no verde. 2,66% é o principal declínio e é publicado pela Sterling / Nova Zelândia.
Eu sou Jack Everitt e estes foram os Movers and Shakers de quinta-feira. Junte-se a nós de novo amanhã para a última recapitulação desta semana, mas, por enquanto, adeus.
\ nAustralian Dollar lidera a tabela de avanços e declinadores e é apenas uma fração do iene seguro como o Japão goza de um feriado no mercado.
\ nGreenback é contra a maioria dos rivais antes da publicação dos minutos da reunião do FOMC, quebrando a recente corrida de baixa.
\ nKiwi Dollar é ponto 11% acima do dólar Loonie.
\ nA mudança de desemprego alemão foi positiva, mas a moeda única ficou sob pressão, pois as regras da MiFID 2 trazem mudanças na regulamentação financeira.
\ nUK Construction PMI decepcionado e Sterling é apenas do Swissie, que encerra a mesa, apesar de um relatório doméstico PMI de fabricação positivo.
\ NThe Cable ocupa o primeiro lugar no gráfico de touros semanais com um ganho de 1,1%. 1,17% é o principal declínio e é publicado por Dollar \ / Swissie.
\ n Nova Zelândia \ / O Greenback teve uma corrida de alta no último mês e o par é de 3.69% no verde. Sterling \ / Nova Zelândia lidera a seção de baixa e é o único par que mais caiu em mais de 3%.
\ nI \ u2019m Jessica Walker e isso \ u2019s por enquanto, mas clique novamente para o relatório de quinta-feira. Adeus. "," Lang ":" en "> 'class =" tvvideoissue videoTitle0 ">
A Austrália / Swissie aumentou bruscamente após as 8 horas e o par ganhou o ponto 7%, que é o melhor movimento do dia.
Dólar australiano lidera a tabela de avarias e decadentes e é apenas uma fração do iene seguro, enquanto o Japão goza de um feriado no mercado.
O Greenback enfrentou a maioria dos rivais antes da publicação dos minutos da reunião do FOMC, quebrando a recente corrida de baixa.
O Dólar Kiwi é um ponto 11% acima do dólar Loonie.
A mudança de desemprego na Alemanha foi positiva, mas a moeda única sofreu pressão, pois as regras da MiFID 2 trazem mudanças na regulamentação de finanças.
UK Construction PMI desapontou e Sterling é apenas do Swissie, que encerra a mesa, apesar de um relatório doméstico PMI de fabricação positivo.
O cabo ocupa o primeiro lugar na tabela de touros semanais com um ganho de 1,1%. 1,17% é o principal declínio e é lançado por Dollar / Swissie.
Nova Zelândia / Greenback teve uma corrida de alta durante o último mês e o par é de 3,69% no verde. Sterling / Nova Zelândia lidera a seção de baixa e é o único par que está abaixo em mais de 3%.
Eu sou Jessica Walker e é isso por enquanto, mas clique novamente para o relatório de quinta-feira. Adeus.
Os estoques de \ nUS abriram mais alto, mas um Yen seguro aproxima os avanços e a tabela decliners enquanto o Japão goza de um feriado no mercado.
\nChina Caixin Manufacturing PMI increased more than expected and Australian Dollar is just slightly North of the New Zealand Dollar.
\nUK Manufacturing PMI disappointed and Sterling is level with both the Kiwi Dollar and the Single currency. There were no revisions to final Euro Zone Manufacturing PMI.
\nBerchtold\u2019s Day holiday is observed in some of the Swiss Cantons and Swissie is almost even with the Canadian Dollar.
\nGreenbacks\u2019 bearish performance has carried on from 2017 and it\u2019s the most bearish major on the table.
\nEuro\/Dollar\u2019s recent bullish run puts in top of the weekly advancers table with a gain of 1.73%. Dollar\/Canada leads the bearish section and it\u2019s 1.88% in the red.
\nAustralia\/Yen has appreciated the most over the past month and it\u2019s 3.55% in the green. 2.58% is the top decline and it\u2019s posted by Dollar\/Canada.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and that\u2019s all for now, but do click back tomorrow when the next overview will be available. Goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Dollar/Yen’s gradual decline was followed by a slide, which puts the pair point 51% in the red to mark the top move.
US stocks have opened higher, but a safe-haven Yen leads the advancers and decliners table as Japan enjoys a market holiday.
China Caixin Manufacturing PMI increased more than expected and Australian Dollar is just slightly North of the New Zealand Dollar.
UK Manufacturing PMI disappointed and Sterling is level with both the Kiwi Dollar and the Single currency. There were no revisions to final Euro Zone Manufacturing PMI.
Berchtold’s Day holiday is observed in some of the Swiss Cantons and Swissie is almost even with the Canadian Dollar.
Greenbacks’ bearish performance has carried on from 2017 and it’s the most bearish major on the table.
Euro/Dollar’s recent bullish run puts in top of the weekly advancers table with a gain of 1.73%. Dollar/Canada leads the bearish section and it’s 1.88% in the red.
Australia/Yen has appreciated the most over the past month and it’s 3.55% in the green. 2.58% is the top decline and it’s posted by Dollar/Canada.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for now, but do click back tomorrow when the next overview will be available. Goodbye.
\nSterling wraps up this year with a bullish run - it\u2019s on top of the table and point 17% up from the Single currency, which has had a bullish year, gaining most ground in over a decade.
\nKiwi Dollar is the most bullish of the three commodity currencies and it\u2019s close to level with the safe-haven Japanese Yen.
\nSwiss Franc is almost even with the Ozzy Dollar as Australian private sector credit was up by a half a percent.
\nLoonie Dollar is up only from the Greenback, which sits at the bottom of the table finishing this bearish year with a decline.
\nNew Zealand\/Greenback has had a bullish week and the pair has appreciated by 1.47%. Dollar\/Canada shows the top decline and it\u2019s 1.71% in the red.
\nNew Zealand\/Yen and Australia\/Yen both show similar increases over the past month. Sterling\/New Zealand is the top decliner with a drop of 2.42% and it\u2019s trailed closely by a couple more pairs.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and that\u2019s all for this edition of the Movers and Shakers, but make sure to click back next year, when we\u2019ll return with more. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
The Cable is the mover of the day with an increase of point 63% and the pair has been heading higher throughout the session.
Sterling wraps up this year with a bullish run - it’s on top of the table and point 17% up from the Single currency, which has had a bullish year, gaining most ground in over a decade.
Kiwi Dollar is the most bullish of the three commodity currencies and it’s close to level with the safe-haven Japanese Yen.
Swiss Franc is almost even with the Ozzy Dollar as Australian private sector credit was up by a half a percent.
Loonie Dollar is up only from the Greenback, which sits at the bottom of the table finishing this bearish year with a decline.
New Zealand/Greenback has had a bullish week and the pair has appreciated by 1.47%. Dollar/Canada shows the top decline and it’s 1.71% in the red.
New Zealand/Yen and Australia/Yen both show similar increases over the past month. Sterling/New Zealand is the top decliner with a drop of 2.42% and it’s trailed closely by a couple more pairs.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for this edition of the Movers and Shakers, but make sure to click back next year, when we’ll return with more. Goodbye for now.
\nSwiss Franc is on top of the advancers and decliners table and it\u2019s point 31% up from the Canadian Dollar, which is almost even with the Single currency.
\nUK high street lending slipped and Sterling is trailed closely by the Japanese Yen as Bank of Japan Core CPI increased to point 6% year on year.
\nAntipodes are near the bottom of the table and New Zealand Dollar is almost level with the Australian Dollar.
\nUS jobless claims and trade balance both were slightly weaker than expected and Buck is the most bearish major on the table.
\nPast week has been bullish for the Australia\/Buck and the pair is 1.33% in the green. Dollar\/Canada is the top decliner, standing 1.21% in the red.
\nAustralia\/Yen\u2019s month has been bullish and the pair is up by 3.88%. Euro\/Australia is down by almost 2% to lead the bearish section.
\nI\u2019m ______________ and that\u2019s it for now, but do click back for the final Movers and Shakers report for the year 2017. Goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Dollar/Swissie’s decline has lasted during most of the day and the pair is point 73% in the red, which is the day’s top move.
Swiss Franc is on top of the advancers and decliners table and it’s point 31% up from the Canadian Dollar, which is almost even with the Single currency.
UK high street lending slipped and Sterling is trailed closely by the Japanese Yen as Bank of Japan Core CPI increased to point 6% year on year.
Antipodes are near the bottom of the table and New Zealand Dollar is almost level with the Australian Dollar.
US jobless claims and trade balance both were slightly weaker than expected and Buck is the most bearish major on the table.
Past week has been bullish for the Australia/Buck and the pair is 1.33% in the green. Dollar/Canada is the top decliner, standing 1.21% in the red.
Australia/Yen’s month has been bullish and the pair is up by 3.88%. Euro/Australia is down by almost 2% to lead the bearish section.
I’m ______________ and that’s it for now, but do click back for the final Movers and Shakers report for the year 2017. Goodbye.
\nAntipodes are having a generally bullish session and Australian Dollar is almost even with the neighboring New Zealand Dollar.
\nLoonie Dollar is mostly higher and it\u2019s level with the Single currency, which is a fraction up from the UK sterling.
\nSwiss UBS consumption indicator slipped, but Credit Suisse economic expectations index jumped to 52 and Swissie is near the bottom of the table.
\nGreenback is mostly lower ahead of the publication of the consumer confidence.
\nJapanese Housing Starts report surprised on upside, but Yen is at the bottom of the table.
\nCanada\/Swissie shows the top rise over the past week and it\u2019s the only pair that\u2019s up by more than 2%. Dollar\/Canada leads the bearish section with a decline of 1.73%.
\nNew Zealand\/Yen has had a bullish month and the pair is 4.24% in the green. Euro\/New Zealand shows the top decline and the pair is 2.55% in the red.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and that\u2019s all for Wednesday\u2019s Movers and Shakers. Click back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Ozzy Dollar has been on a rise against the Japanese Yen and the pair has appreciated by a total of point 56%, which is the day’s top move.
Antipodes are having a generally bullish session and Australian Dollar is almost even with the neighboring New Zealand Dollar.
Loonie Dollar is mostly higher and it’s level with the Single currency, which is a fraction up from the UK sterling.
Swiss UBS consumption indicator slipped, but Credit Suisse economic expectations index jumped to 52 and Swissie is near the bottom of the table.
Greenback is mostly lower ahead of the publication of the consumer confidence.
Japanese Housing Starts report surprised on upside, but Yen is at the bottom of the table.
Canada/Swissie shows the top rise over the past week and it’s the only pair that’s up by more than 2%. Dollar/Canada leads the bearish section with a decline of 1.73%.
New Zealand/Yen has had a bullish month and the pair is 4.24% in the green. Euro/New Zealand shows the top decline and the pair is 2.55% in the red.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for Wednesday’s Movers and Shakers. Click back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.
\nAustralian Dollar is the most bullish major and it\u2019s point 11% up from the Greenback. US durable goods were soft, but spending slightly stronger than estimated.
\nNew Zealand Dollar is followed closely by the Euro. German GfK Consumer Climate increased by a fraction.
\nSafe-haven Japanese Yen is almost level with the Sterling. UK current account deficit narrowed down, but less than expected and there were no revisions to final GDP.
\nSwiss KOF economic barometer improved, with Swissie is up only from the Loonie Dollar, which wraps up the table as Canadian GDP disappointed with a flat monthly reading.
\nWeekly bulls table is led by Euro\/Yen and the pair stands 1.48% in the green. New Zealand\/Canada is the top decliner with a decline of just point 45%.
\nNew Zealand\/Yen has been on a rise over the past month and it\u2019s up by 3.79%. 1.64% is the top decline and it\u2019s posted by Euro\/New Zealand.
\nI\u2019m __________ and these were the Movers and Shakers for Friday. Happy Christmas holidays and click back Wednesday, when we return with the next report. Goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Things are less dramatic on FX markets and the biggest move is an increase of just point 41% as Australia/Canada rose sharply after noon.
Australian Dollar is the most bullish major and it’s point 11% up from the Greenback. US durable goods were soft, but spending slightly stronger than estimated.
New Zealand Dollar is followed closely by the Euro. German GfK Consumer Climate increased by a fraction.
Safe-haven Japanese Yen is almost level with the Sterling. UK current account deficit narrowed down, but less than expected and there were no revisions to final GDP.
Swiss KOF economic barometer improved, with Swissie is up only from the Loonie Dollar, which wraps up the table as Canadian GDP disappointed with a flat monthly reading.
Weekly bulls table is led by Euro/Yen and the pair stands 1.48% in the green. New Zealand/Canada is the top decliner with a decline of just point 45%.
New Zealand/Yen has been on a rise over the past month and it’s up by 3.79%. 1.64% is the top decline and it’s posted by Euro/New Zealand.
I’m __________ and these were the Movers and Shakers for Friday. Happy Christmas holidays and click back Wednesday, when we return with the next report. Goodbye.
\nStrong Canadian CPI and retail sales numbers have sent the Loonie Dollar higher and it\u2019s the most bullish of the 8 majors on the table.
\nAustralian Dollar trades up against most of the rivals, but it\u2019s point 4% South of the top advancer.
\nFinal third quarter US GDP got a slight downward revision, but the growth of 3.2% was still solid and Greenback is near the top of the table.
\nOvernight New Zealand GDP report was in line with expectations at quarterly growth of point 6% and Kiwi Dollar trades in a close range with a number of currencies, including the Euro.
\nBank of Japan left monetary policy unchanged and Yen is close to even with the UK Sterling, which is point 24% up from the Swiss Franc.
\nLoonie Dollar\u2019s surge puts it on top of the weekly bulls chart with a gain of 1.36% against the Japanese Yen. Sterling\/Canada shows the top decline and it\u2019s 1.17% in the red.
\nNew Zealand\/Yen has appreciated the most over the past month and gain measures at 3.64%. Sterling\/New Zealand has declined the most and it\u2019s 1.82% in the red.
\nI'm Jack Everitt and these were the movers and shakers for Thursday. Tune in tomorrow to see how the 8 majors are performing on the last day of trading for the week. See you then.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Canada/Swissie jumped after hours of flat trading and the pair is up by more than 1%, which is the day’s biggest move.
Strong Canadian CPI and retail sales numbers have sent the Loonie Dollar higher and it’s the most bullish of the 8 majors on the table.
Australian Dollar trades up against most of the rivals, but it’s point 4% South of the top advancer.
Final third quarter US GDP got a slight downward revision, but the growth of 3.2% was still solid and Greenback is near the top of the table.
Overnight New Zealand GDP report was in line with expectations at quarterly growth of point 6% and Kiwi Dollar trades in a close range with a number of currencies, including the Euro.
Bank of Japan left monetary policy unchanged and Yen is close to even with the UK Sterling, which is point 24% up from the Swiss Franc.
Loonie Dollar’s surge puts it on top of the weekly bulls chart with a gain of 1.36% against the Japanese Yen. Sterling/Canada shows the top decline and it’s 1.17% in the red.
New Zealand/Yen has appreciated the most over the past month and gain measures at 3.64%. Sterling/New Zealand has declined the most and it’s 1.82% in the red.
I'm Jack Everitt and these were the movers and shakers for Thursday. Tune in tomorrow to see how the 8 majors are performing on the last day of trading for the week. See you then.
\nAustralian Dollar trades on top of the table, followed closely by the Loonie Dollar as Canadian wholesale sales jumped by 1 and a half percent month on month.
\nUK CBI realized sales survey balance declined more than expected, but Sterling is up against most of the rivals and it\u2019s almost level with the Single currency. Euro Zone current account surplus was reported dropping sharply.
\nNew Zealand GDP report is scheduled later in the session and Kiwi Dollar is trailed by the Buck.
\nSwiss Franc is up only from the Japanese Yen, which sits at the bottom of the advancers and decliners table.
\nMoving on to longer term performance charts, Australia\/New Zealand tops the weekly bulls table and it\u2019s trailed closely by Euro\/New Zealand. Sterling\/Australia is the top decliner with a drop of point 57%.
\nNew Zealand\/Yen has had a bullish run over the past month and it\u2019s the only pair that\u2019s up by more than 3%. Euro\/New Zealand has depreciated the most, standing 1.39% in the red.
\nI\u2019m Kiays Khalil and you\u2019ve been watching the movers and shakers for Wednesday. Click back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Australia/Yen posted most of the gains after 7 AM and the pair stands point 42% in the green, which is the day’s top move.
Australian Dollar trades on top of the table, followed closely by the Loonie Dollar as Canadian wholesale sales jumped by 1 and a half percent month on month.
UK CBI realized sales survey balance declined more than expected, but Sterling is up against most of the rivals and it’s almost level with the Single currency. Euro Zone current account surplus was reported dropping sharply.
New Zealand GDP report is scheduled later in the session and Kiwi Dollar is trailed by the Buck.
Swiss Franc is up only from the Japanese Yen, which sits at the bottom of the advancers and decliners table.
Moving on to longer term performance charts, Australia/New Zealand tops the weekly bulls table and it’s trailed closely by Euro/New Zealand. Sterling/Australia is the top decliner with a drop of point 57%.
New Zealand/Yen has had a bullish run over the past month and it’s the only pair that’s up by more than 3%. Euro/New Zealand has depreciated the most, standing 1.39% in the red.
I’m Kiays Khalil and you’ve been watching the movers and shakers for Wednesday. Click back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.
\nGerman IFO business climate slipped, but Single currency is having a bullish session.
\nUS data was positive, building permits and housing starts both surprised on upside, providing support for the Greenback.
\nAntipodes trade in a narrow range. Ozzy Dollar is almost even with the neighboring Kiwi Dollar. RBA meeting minutes highlighted slow income growth risks and New Zealand business confidence remained well in the red.
\nSwiss franc is almost even with the Japanese Yen and the Sterling as Brexit remains a drag.
\nLoonie Dollar wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
\nNew Zealand\/Canada is the top advancer over the past week and a couple more pairs have appreciated by more than 2%. Sterling\/New Zealand shows the top decline and it\u2019s 2.54% in the red.
\nNew Zealand\/Canada has had a bullish month and the pair is up by 2.37%. Euro\/New Zealand is the most bearish instrument and it\u2019s down by 1.51%.
\nI'm Jessica Walker and you've been watching the Movers and Shakers for Tuesday. We'll be back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Canada rose after 9 AM and the pair stands point 46% in the green, which is the day’s top move.
German IFO business climate slipped, but Single currency is having a bullish session.
US data was positive, building permits and housing starts both surprised on upside, providing support for the Greenback.
Antipodes trade in a narrow range. Ozzy Dollar is almost even with the neighboring Kiwi Dollar. RBA meeting minutes highlighted slow income growth risks and New Zealand business confidence remained well in the red.
Swiss franc is almost even with the Japanese Yen and the Sterling as Brexit remains a drag.
Loonie Dollar wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
New Zealand/Canada is the top advancer over the past week and a couple more pairs have appreciated by more than 2%. Sterling/New Zealand shows the top decline and it’s 2.54% in the red.
New Zealand/Canada has had a bullish month and the pair is up by 2.37%. Euro/New Zealand is the most bearish instrument and it’s down by 1.51%.
I'm Jessica Walker and you've been watching the Movers and Shakers for Tuesday. We'll be back tomorrow, but for now, goodbye.
\nUK CBI industrial order expectations reported showed a stronger than estimated reading of plus 17 and Sterling tops the table.
\nThere were no revisions to final Euro Zone CPI and Single currency is mostly higher as Italian trade surplus expanded sharply.
\nSwiss Franc is up against most of the rivals and it\u2019s point 13% North from the Ozzy Dollar as Australian new motor vehicle sales increased by point 1% month on month.
\nJapanese Yen is almost even with the Kiwi Dollar.
\nCanadian Dollar is up only from the neighboring Greenback, which wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
\nNew Zealand\/Canada has had a bullish week and the pair had gained 2.35%. Sterling\/New Zealand is the top decliner over the same term and it\u2019s down by 2.22%.
\nSterling\/Canada has gained the most ground over the past month and the pair is 2.6% in the green. Euro\/Sterling is the most bearish pair and it\u2019s more than 2% in the red.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and these were Monday\u2019s Movers and Shakers. Do click back for more on FX markets, but for now, goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
The Cable is the mover of the day with a gain of point 69% and most of the session has been bullish for this pair.
UK CBI industrial order expectations reported showed a stronger than estimated reading of plus 17 and Sterling tops the table.
There were no revisions to final Euro Zone CPI and Single currency is mostly higher as Italian trade surplus expanded sharply.
Swiss Franc is up against most of the rivals and it’s point 13% North from the Ozzy Dollar as Australian new motor vehicle sales increased by point 1% month on month.
Japanese Yen is almost even with the Kiwi Dollar.
Canadian Dollar is up only from the neighboring Greenback, which wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
New Zealand/Canada has had a bullish week and the pair had gained 2.35%. Sterling/New Zealand is the top decliner over the same term and it’s down by 2.22%.
Sterling/Canada has gained the most ground over the past month and the pair is 2.6% in the green. Euro/Sterling is the most bearish pair and it’s more than 2% in the red.
I’m Jack Everitt and these were Monday’s Movers and Shakers. Do click back for more on FX markets, but for now, goodbye.
\nNew Zealand Dollar is having a bullish session and it\u2019s on top of the advancers and decliners table.
\nThen there\u2019s a batch of currencies trading in an extremely narrow range, including the Japanese Yen.
\nEuro Zone trade surplus narrowed down sharply and Single currency is trailed closely by the Greenback and Ozzy.
\nUS empire state manufacturing index declined more than expected and industrial production stats were soft as well.
\nCanadian manufacturing sales disappointed and Loonie Dollar is near the bottom of the list.
\nSwiss Franc is up only from the UK Sterling, which wraps up the table as the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker said the second phase of Brexit negotiations will be tougher than the first.
\nPast week has been bullish for the New Zealand\/Greenback and the pair has gained 2.34%. Sterling\/New Zealand is the top decliner and it\u2019s 2.91% in the red.
\nNew Zealand\/Swissie has appreciated the most over the past month and the pair is 2.27% in the green. Euro\/New Zealand is the most bearish pair with a drop of more than 2%.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and that\u2019s all for Friday\u2019s Movers and Shakers. Enjoy your weekend and tune in on Monday for more. Goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Sterling/New Zealand has been on a slide and the pair is 1.16% in the red to post the day’s top move.
New Zealand Dollar is having a bullish session and it’s on top of the advancers and decliners table.
Then there’s a batch of currencies trading in an extremely narrow range, including the Japanese Yen.
Euro Zone trade surplus narrowed down sharply and Single currency is trailed closely by the Greenback and Ozzy.
US empire state manufacturing index declined more than expected and industrial production stats were soft as well.
Canadian manufacturing sales disappointed and Loonie Dollar is near the bottom of the list.
Swiss Franc is up only from the UK Sterling, which wraps up the table as the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker said the second phase of Brexit negotiations will be tougher than the first.
Past week has been bullish for the New Zealand/Greenback and the pair has gained 2.34%. Sterling/New Zealand is the top decliner and it’s 2.91% in the red.
New Zealand/Swissie has appreciated the most over the past month and the pair is 2.27% in the green. Euro/New Zealand is the most bearish pair with a drop of more than 2%.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for Friday’s Movers and Shakers. Enjoy your weekend and tune in on Monday for more. Goodbye.
\nA positive employment change report has provided a boost for the Australian Dollar and it\u2019s on top of the advancers and decliners table.
\nJapanese Yen trades mostly higher as well and it\u2019s point 27% south of the top advancer.
\nUK retail sales jumped by 1.1%, but Sterling slipped as the Bank of England monetary policy committee voted unanimously to leave benchmark interest rate unchanged.
\nBuck is almost even with the Sterling as US retail sales numbers were strong.
\nCanadian Dollar is trailed closely by a couple of majors and Single currency is one of them. Flash Euro Zone Manufacturing and Services PMIs both were strong, but ECB remained concerned about inflation targets.
\nSwiss National Bank said it\u2019s too early to talk about normalization of monetary policy and Swiss Franc is up only from the Kiwi Dollar, which wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
\nThere\u2019s a total of three pairs that have gained more than 2% over the past week and New Zealand\/Yen is the most bullish one. Sterling\/New Zealand is the top decliner with a drop of 2.19%.
\nSterling\/Canada has gained the most ground over the past month and the pair is up by more than 3%. Euro\/Sterling has had a bearish run and it\u2019s 1.68% in the red.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and these were the Movers and Shakers for Thursday. Do click back for this week\u2019s last report, but for now, goodbye.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Ozzy Dollar jumped against the Kiwi Dollar shortly after midnight and the pair stands point 78% in the green, which is the day’s top move.
A positive employment change report has provided a boost for the Australian Dollar and it’s on top of the advancers and decliners table.
Japanese Yen trades mostly higher as well and it’s point 27% south of the top advancer.
UK retail sales jumped by 1.1%, but Sterling slipped as the Bank of England monetary policy committee voted unanimously to leave benchmark interest rate unchanged.
Buck is almost even with the Sterling as US retail sales numbers were strong.
Canadian Dollar is trailed closely by a couple of majors and Single currency is one of them. Flash Euro Zone Manufacturing and Services PMIs both were strong, but ECB remained concerned about inflation targets.
Swiss National Bank said it’s too early to talk about normalization of monetary policy and Swiss Franc is up only from the Kiwi Dollar, which wraps up the advancers and decliners table.
There’s a total of three pairs that have gained more than 2% over the past week and New Zealand/Yen is the most bullish one. Sterling/New Zealand is the top decliner with a drop of 2.19%.
Sterling/Canada has gained the most ground over the past month and the pair is up by more than 3%. Euro/Sterling has had a bearish run and it’s 1.68% in the red.
I’m Jessica Walker and these were the Movers and Shakers for Thursday. Do click back for this week’s last report, but for now, goodbye.
\nThe Antipodes have held the ground they gained yesterday, and Kiwi is the most bullish major, up point 14% from the Aussie.
\nThe latest UK labour report showed mixed results, but Pound is a fraction up from the Yen.
\nSwissie is trading mostly lower ahead of tomorrow's Swiss National Bank meeting, and it's almost level with Loonie.
\nEuro Zone industrial output picked up speed in October, but the Common Currency is down against most majors.
\nThe Greenback has been rocked by political upheavals in the United States, and it's the most bearish of the 8 majors.
\nAnd Kiwi is also going strong on the weekly chart, as New Zealand\/Canada is the top performer with a gain of 2.85%. Euro\/New Zealand posts the biggest decline, namely, 1.66%.
\nPound\/Canada is the most bullish pair in monthly terms, having gained 2.91%, and Australia\/New Zealand is the most bearish instrument, having lost 1.59%.
\nYou've been watching the Movers and Shakers report for Wednesday. I'm Kiays Khalil and we'll be back tomorrow with the next overview. See you then.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
As usual, we start with the mover of the day, which is New Zealand/Dollar. The pair jumped after 12 o'clock, gaining a total of point 8%.
The Antipodes have held the ground they gained yesterday, and Kiwi is the most bullish major, up point 14% from the Aussie.
The latest UK labour report showed mixed results, but Pound is a fraction up from the Yen.
Swissie is trading mostly lower ahead of tomorrow's Swiss National Bank meeting, and it's almost level with Loonie.
Euro Zone industrial output picked up speed in October, but the Common Currency is down against most majors.
The Greenback has been rocked by political upheavals in the United States, and it's the most bearish of the 8 majors.
And Kiwi is also going strong on the weekly chart, as New Zealand/Canada is the top performer with a gain of 2.85%. Euro/New Zealand posts the biggest decline, namely, 1.66%.
Pound/Canada is the most bullish pair in monthly terms, having gained 2.91%, and Australia/New Zealand is the most bearish instrument, having lost 1.59%.
You've been watching the Movers and Shakers report for Wednesday. I'm Kiays Khalil and we'll be back tomorrow with the next overview. See you then.
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\nPound\/Dollar retreated from the daily high, but the pair was still point 29% in the green at noon. The Cable sees 140% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 9% long. Rise was good news for bulls, but the late decline has provided some chances for bears as well.
\nDollar\/Yen has had a bearish session and decline puts the pair point 42% in the red. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the long side by only 3%. There have been plenty of profit opportunities for bears, but losses are more likely for bulls.
\nPound\/Yen has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at 12 o\u2019clock. Traded volume is extremely high and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 2% long. Success depends on the timing of the trades as a single trend hasn\u2019t formed.
\nEuro\/Yen rose by almost 100 pips, but some of the gains have been given up. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment of the market players is 5% short. Steep rise has provided solid chances for bulls and only some profit opportunities were there for bears as midday approached.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and that concludes the Midday Snapshot for Monday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has been on a rise, stopping just pips below the 1 23 level as midday approached. The pair sees more than double the monthly average funds and neutral sentiment of the market players is 5% long. Uptrend suggests a successful morning session for those who had long positions.
Pound/Dollar retreated from the daily high, but the pair was still point 29% in the green at noon. The Cable sees 140% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 9% long. Rise was good news for bulls, but the late decline has provided some chances for bears as well.
Dollar/Yen has had a bearish session and decline puts the pair point 42% in the red. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the long side by only 3%. There have been plenty of profit opportunities for bears, but losses are more likely for bulls.
Pound/Yen has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is extremely high and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 2% long. Success depends on the timing of the trades as a single trend hasn’t formed.
Euro/Yen rose by almost 100 pips, but some of the gains have been given up. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment of the market players is 5% short. Steep rise has provided solid chances for bulls and only some profit opportunities were there for bears as midday approached.
I’m Jack Everitt and that concludes the Midday Snapshot for Monday.
\nPound\/Dollar shot up by more than 100 pips after 8 AM and rise puts the pair point 73% up from the opening level. The Cable sees 47% more than average funds and neutral sentiment is almost at an even balance. Steep rise has provided solid profit opportunities for those who were in long positions.
\nDollar\/Yen was calm for hours, but a late decline has resulted in a loss of point 14%. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is 4% long. Late decline was good news for those who had short positions.
\nPound\/Yen has moved sharply higher, gaining a total of close to 100 pips. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Steep rise suggests a successful morning session for bullish market players.
\nEuro\/Yen jumped hours into the session and a gain of point 53% has been posted. This pair sees double the monthly average funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate went in the opposite direction to those forecasts, making losses more likely.
\nI'm Jack Everitt and this was the Midday Snapshot for Friday. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has gained almost 100 pips and the pair stood point 68% in the green at noon. Traded volume is almost at double the usual and neutral sentiment of the traders is 6% short. Rise makes a successful start of the day more likely for those who had long positions.
Pound/Dollar shot up by more than 100 pips after 8 AM and rise puts the pair point 73% up from the opening level. The Cable sees 47% more than average funds and neutral sentiment is almost at an even balance. Steep rise has provided solid profit opportunities for those who were in long positions.
Dollar/Yen was calm for hours, but a late decline has resulted in a loss of point 14%. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is 4% long. Late decline was good news for those who had short positions.
Pound/Yen has moved sharply higher, gaining a total of close to 100 pips. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Steep rise suggests a successful morning session for bullish market players.
Euro/Yen jumped hours into the session and a gain of point 53% has been posted. This pair sees double the monthly average funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate went in the opposite direction to those forecasts, making losses more likely.
I'm Jack Everitt and this was the Midday Snapshot for Friday. Goodbye for now.
\nPound\/Dollar moved South to trade point 36% in the red at noon. The Cable has attracted an average amount of funds and neutral sentiment of the market players is 5% long. Decline makes profits more likely for those who were short.
\nDollar\/Yen rose by 55 pips and a gain of point 14% was posted at midday. Traded volume is average and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 5% short. Bullish rate movement has provided profit opportunities for those who were long.
\nPound\/Yen\u2019s increase was followed by a decline, which has wiped out all of the gains. Turnover is average and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Early hours were in favor for bulls, but the following decline has brought risks as well.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s trend has changed as well and only a slight gain was posted at midday. Traded volume is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Trading should be successful if it was done after the daily high was reached.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and that\u2019s it for Thursday\u2019s Dukascopy Midday Snapshot.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has traded in a total range of just 41 pips, but the pair sees a typical amount of funds. Neutral sentiment of the traders is 5% short. Both sides have seen only limited profit opportunities due to the narrow price movement range.
Pound/Dollar moved South to trade point 36% in the red at noon. The Cable has attracted an average amount of funds and neutral sentiment of the market players is 5% long. Decline makes profits more likely for those who were short.
Dollar/Yen rose by 55 pips and a gain of point 14% was posted at midday. Traded volume is average and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 5% short. Bullish rate movement has provided profit opportunities for those who were long.
Pound/Yen’s increase was followed by a decline, which has wiped out all of the gains. Turnover is average and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Early hours were in favor for bulls, but the following decline has brought risks as well.
Euro/Yen’s trend has changed as well and only a slight gain was posted at midday. Traded volume is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Trading should be successful if it was done after the daily high was reached.
I’m Jessica Walker and that’s it for Thursday’s Dukascopy Midday Snapshot.
\nPound\/Dollar\u2019s decline was followed by a rise, which has taken the pair back near midnight\u2019s level. The Cable sees 76% more than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. Trading should be successful if it was done hours into the session, after the daily low was hit.
\nDollar\/Yen has been on a slide and it has resulted in a loss of 1.22%. Traded volume is a massive 336% up from the monthly average and neutral sentiment of the traders is 10% long. Steep decline has provided bears with plenty of profit chances.
\nPound\/Yen dropped by 202 pips and a loss of more than 1% has been posted by noon. Turnover is extremely high and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Steep slide has brought risks for market players.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s chart shows a bearish session and a loss of point 58% was recorded at 12 o\u2019clock. This pair sees a typical amount of funds and most of those have been driven by bullish forecasts. The rate took a sharp decline, making losses more likely for investors.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and that\u2019s it for Wednesday\u2019s Midday Snapshot.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has returned above the 1 20 level after gaining almost 100 pips from the daily low. Trading has been active, volume is extremely high and neutral sentiment of the traders is 11% long. Surge has provided solid profit opportunities for bullish market players.
Pound/Dollar’s decline was followed by a rise, which has taken the pair back near midnight’s level. The Cable sees 76% more than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. Trading should be successful if it was done hours into the session, after the daily low was hit.
Dollar/Yen has been on a slide and it has resulted in a loss of 1.22%. Traded volume is a massive 336% up from the monthly average and neutral sentiment of the traders is 10% long. Steep decline has provided bears with plenty of profit chances.
Pound/Yen dropped by 202 pips and a loss of more than 1% has been posted by noon. Turnover is extremely high and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Steep slide has brought risks for market players.
Euro/Yen’s chart shows a bearish session and a loss of point 58% was recorded at 12 o’clock. This pair sees a typical amount of funds and most of those have been driven by bullish forecasts. The rate took a sharp decline, making losses more likely for investors.
I’m Jessica Walker and that’s it for Wednesday’s Midday Snapshot.
\nPound\/Dollar shows a similar pattern and the pair stood point 24% in the red at midday. The Cable sees 32% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is almost at an even balance. Decline has provided solid profit opportunities for bearish market players.
\nDollar\/Yen dropped during the early trading hours, but some of the loss was recovered in a following rise. Traded volume is high and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Trading should be successful if it was done during the early drop.
\nPound\/Yen\u2019s session has been bearish and decline has resulted in a loss of point 66%. This pair sees 52% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is just 2% short. Bearish rate movement has provided plenty of profit chances for those who were in short positions.
\nEuro\/Yen shows a steep decline and it puts the pair point 77% in the red. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the long side by 13%. Steep decline puts those who were short in better positions so far today.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has declined by a total of 55 pips and a loss of point 35% was posted at noon. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is 7% long. Downtrend suggests a successful morning session for those who had short positions.
Pound/Dollar shows a similar pattern and the pair stood point 24% in the red at midday. The Cable sees 32% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is almost at an even balance. Decline has provided solid profit opportunities for bearish market players.
Dollar/Yen dropped during the early trading hours, but some of the loss was recovered in a following rise. Traded volume is high and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Trading should be successful if it was done during the early drop.
Pound/Yen’s session has been bearish and decline has resulted in a loss of point 66%. This pair sees 52% more than typical funds and neutral sentiment is just 2% short. Bearish rate movement has provided plenty of profit chances for those who were in short positions.
Euro/Yen shows a steep decline and it puts the pair point 77% in the red. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment is leaning towards the long side by 13%. Steep decline puts those who were short in better positions so far today.
I’m Jessica Walker and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday.
\nPound\/Dollar rose slightly after declining by 63 pips and a loss of point 26% was recorded at midday. The Cable sees 27% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 14% short. Downtrend makes a successful start of the day more likely for those who were short.
\nDollar\/Yen\u2019s increase was followed by a slide, which has wiped out all of the gains. Turnover is average and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities after the daily high was reached.
\nPound\/Yen has been trending South and the pair stood point 31% in the red at 12 o\u2019clock. Traded volume is high and sentiment of the market players is bearish, short positions are up by 21%. The rate did go per those expectations, suggesting profits for investors.
\nEuro\/Yen took a slide and it has resulted in a loss of point 47%. Turnover is average and sentiment is bearish, short positions outweigh long ones by 21%. Traders have done a good job working out the rate movement direction, making profits very much likely.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and that\u2019s it for Monday\u2019s Midday Snapshot.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has been trending lower and a loss of point 42% has been posted. Turnover is high and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It went in the opposite direction to those forecasts, making losses more likely for investors.
Pound/Dollar rose slightly after declining by 63 pips and a loss of point 26% was recorded at midday. The Cable sees 27% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 14% short. Downtrend makes a successful start of the day more likely for those who were short.
Dollar/Yen’s increase was followed by a slide, which has wiped out all of the gains. Turnover is average and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities after the daily high was reached.
Pound/Yen has been trending South and the pair stood point 31% in the red at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is high and sentiment of the market players is bearish, short positions are up by 21%. The rate did go per those expectations, suggesting profits for investors.
Euro/Yen took a slide and it has resulted in a loss of point 47%. Turnover is average and sentiment is bearish, short positions outweigh long ones by 21%. Traders have done a good job working out the rate movement direction, making profits very much likely.
I’m Jessica Walker and that’s it for Monday’s Midday Snapshot.
\nPound\/Dollar has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at midday. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 12% short. Trend has changed a couple of times for this pair, providing profit opportunities for both of the close to equal sides.
\nDollar\/Yen has moved steeply up and rise puts the pair point 38% in the green. Traded volume is average and neutral sentiment of the traders is almost at an even balance. Sharp rise suggests a successful morning session is more likely for those who had long positions.
\nPound\/Yen has been on a rise as well and a gain of point 35% has been posted. This pair sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment is neutral, at 3% long. There have been plenty of profit opportunities for those who were long.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s uptrend puts the pair point 27% in the green at 12 o\u2019clock. Traded volume is high and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate did go higher, which has brought risks for investors.
\nI'm Jessica Walker and that wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Friday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has given up some of the recent gains to stand point 11% in the red at noon as it moved slowly South. Turnover is high and neutral sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 7%. Gradual downtrend has provided some chances for those who were short.
Pound/Dollar has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at midday. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 12% short. Trend has changed a couple of times for this pair, providing profit opportunities for both of the close to equal sides.
Dollar/Yen has moved steeply up and rise puts the pair point 38% in the green. Traded volume is average and neutral sentiment of the traders is almost at an even balance. Sharp rise suggests a successful morning session is more likely for those who had long positions.
Pound/Yen has been on a rise as well and a gain of point 35% has been posted. This pair sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment is neutral, at 3% long. There have been plenty of profit opportunities for those who were long.
Euro/Yen’s uptrend puts the pair point 27% in the green at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is high and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate did go higher, which has brought risks for investors.
I'm Jessica Walker and that wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Friday.
\nPound\/Dollar has appreciated as well and a gain of point 33% was posted at noon. The Cable sees 28% less than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. Rise has brought risks for investors, but the slow trading approach should help to cushion losses.
\nDollar\/Yen\u2019s decline was followed by a rise and only a fractional loss was posted by midday. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment is 5% long. Both sides have had their profit chances as the trend has shifted.
\nPound\/Yen saw a sharp increase after 8 AM and it puts the pair point 33% in the green. Trading has been typical in terms of volume and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations, making morning session sucessful for investors.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s rise has resulted in a gain of point 42%. This pair has attracted more than double the monthly average funds and most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. Traders have done a good job working out the rate movement direction and profits are very much likely.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Thursday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar’s rise continues and the pair hit the daily high of 1 2066 after gaining 62 pips. Trading has been active, volume is high and neutral sentiment is 6% short. Morning session has been Euro bullish, making profits more likely for those who had long positions.
Pound/Dollar has appreciated as well and a gain of point 33% was posted at noon. The Cable sees 28% less than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. Rise has brought risks for investors, but the slow trading approach should help to cushion losses.
Dollar/Yen’s decline was followed by a rise and only a fractional loss was posted by midday. Traded volume is high and neutral sentiment is 5% long. Both sides have had their profit chances as the trend has shifted.
Pound/Yen saw a sharp increase after 8 AM and it puts the pair point 33% in the green. Trading has been typical in terms of volume and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations, making morning session sucessful for investors.
Euro/Yen’s rise has resulted in a gain of point 42%. This pair has attracted more than double the monthly average funds and most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. Traders have done a good job working out the rate movement direction and profits are very much likely.
I’m Jessica Walker and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Thursday.
\nPound\/Dollar declined by 53 pips after 6 AM and a loss of point 23% has been posted. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment is neutral, 3% short. Bears saw their profit opportunities after the daily high was reached.
\nDollar\/Yen has had a slow session - rate movement is flat and traded volume is extremely low. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower, but the passive trading along with the narrow price movement range both are limiting factors.
\nPound\/Yen has moved steeply lower hours into the session and decline puts the pair point 25% in the red. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to increase. Late decline makes losses more likely.
\nEuro\/Yen has had a bearish day so far and a loss of point 41% has been posted. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, long positions are up by 9%. Trading should be successful for those who had short positions.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Wednesday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has retreated back towards the 1 20 level and the pair stood point 38% in the red at noon. Turnover is high and sentiment of the market players is barely bullish as long positions are up by 15%. Bearish rate movement has brought risks for investors.
Pound/Dollar declined by 53 pips after 6 AM and a loss of point 23% has been posted. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and sentiment is neutral, 3% short. Bears saw their profit opportunities after the daily high was reached.
Dollar/Yen has had a slow session - rate movement is flat and traded volume is extremely low. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower, but the passive trading along with the narrow price movement range both are limiting factors.
Pound/Yen has moved steeply lower hours into the session and decline puts the pair point 25% in the red. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to increase. Late decline makes losses more likely.
Euro/Yen has had a bearish day so far and a loss of point 41% has been posted. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, long positions are up by 9%. Trading should be successful for those who had short positions.
I’m Jack Everitt and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Wednesday.
\nPound\/Dollar\u2019s uptrend puts the pair point 3% in the positive territory at noon. The Cable sees 24% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is just 3% long. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who had long positions.
\nDollar\/Yen took a slide and it has resulted in a loss of point 48%. Traded volume is average and neutral sentiment of the market players is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Steep decline was good news for the small majority of the traders that were short.
\nPound\/Yen declined by 65 pips after 8 AM and a loss of point 18% was posted t 12 o\u2019clock. This pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds and most of them have been driven by bullish expectations. Late decline has brought risks, but losses should be cushioned by the slow trading approach.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s day has been slow \u2018 rate movement is flat and trading has been passive. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower, but both the passive trading and flat rate movement are limiting factors.
\nI'm Jack Everitt and you've been watching the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has been on a rise and the pair stands point 41% in the green at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is high and bearish sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 18%. Uptrend has brought risks for investors.
Pound/Dollar’s uptrend puts the pair point 3% in the positive territory at noon. The Cable sees 24% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is just 3% long. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who had long positions.
Dollar/Yen took a slide and it has resulted in a loss of point 48%. Traded volume is average and neutral sentiment of the market players is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Steep decline was good news for the small majority of the traders that were short.
Pound/Yen declined by 65 pips after 8 AM and a loss of point 18% was posted t 12 o’clock. This pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds and most of them have been driven by bullish expectations. Late decline has brought risks, but losses should be cushioned by the slow trading approach.
Euro/Yen’s day has been slow – rate movement is flat and trading has been passive. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower, but both the passive trading and flat rate movement are limiting factors.
I'm Jack Everitt and you've been watching the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday.
\nPound\/Dollar has been on a rise as well and it has resulted in a gain of point 51%. The Cable sees 37% less than typical funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. Uptrend makes losses more likely, but they should be cushioned by the slow trading.
\nDollar\/Yen has been trending South and decline puts the pair point 32% in the red at 12 o\u2019clock. Turnover is low and neutral sentiment is 2% long. Bearish morning session has provided plenty of profit opportunities for those who were short.
\nPound\/Yen rose by 59 pips from the early low and the pair stood point 19% up from the opening level at midday. Traded volume is extremely low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 5% short. Bulls had some chances during the rise, but the calm trading is the limiting factor.
\nEuro\/Yen shows limited rate movement, high and low difference is just 43 pips and the pair has attracted less than half of the monthly average funds. Sentiment of the traders is neutral, 7% long. Both the slow rate movement and passive trading suggest no major changes in funds are likely.
\nI\u2019m ____________ and this brings Friday\u2019s Midday Snapshot to an end, but we`ll see you again next year!","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has made a move towards the 1 20 level and the pair stands point 4% in the green at noon. Turnover is average and neutral sentiment of the traders is almost at an even balance. Uptrend suggests a successful morning session for bullish market players.
Pound/Dollar has been on a rise as well and it has resulted in a gain of point 51%. The Cable sees 37% less than typical funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. Uptrend makes losses more likely, but they should be cushioned by the slow trading.
Dollar/Yen has been trending South and decline puts the pair point 32% in the red at 12 o’clock. Turnover is low and neutral sentiment is 2% long. Bearish morning session has provided plenty of profit opportunities for those who were short.
Pound/Yen rose by 59 pips from the early low and the pair stood point 19% up from the opening level at midday. Traded volume is extremely low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 5% short. Bulls had some chances during the rise, but the calm trading is the limiting factor.
Euro/Yen shows limited rate movement, high and low difference is just 43 pips and the pair has attracted less than half of the monthly average funds. Sentiment of the traders is neutral, 7% long. Both the slow rate movement and passive trading suggest no major changes in funds are likely.
I’m ____________ and this brings Friday’s Midday Snapshot to an end, but we`ll see you again next year!
\nPound\/Dollar has been on a rise as well and a gain of point 24% was posted after a late correction. The Cable sees just half of the monthly average funds and neutral sentiment is at an even balance. Bulls have been in better positions, but the slow trading is the limiting factor for both sides.
\nDollar\/Yen declined during the early trading hours and the pair was point 33% in the red at 12 o\u2019clock as it gained some ground from the daily low. Turnover is low and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Trading should be successful if it was done before the daily low was reached.
\nPound\/Yen has seen its trend change as the pair walked in a total range of 46 pips, while attracting 20% less than typical funds. Sentiment of the market players is neutral, 9% short. There have been some chances for both sides, but the narrow price movement range and slow trading approach both are limiting factors.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s session has been slow \u2018 high and low difference is 37 pips and traded volume is extremely low. Most of the traders have had a bullish outlook, but no significant shifts in trading accounts are likely here as well.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and this brings Thursday\u2019s Midday Snapshot to an end. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has climbed higher by a total of 50 pips to trade point 31% in the green at midday. Turnover is average and neutral sentiment of the traders is 6% long. Uptrend makes a successful start of the day more likely for those who were in long positions.
Pound/Dollar has been on a rise as well and a gain of point 24% was posted after a late correction. The Cable sees just half of the monthly average funds and neutral sentiment is at an even balance. Bulls have been in better positions, but the slow trading is the limiting factor for both sides.
Dollar/Yen declined during the early trading hours and the pair was point 33% in the red at 12 o’clock as it gained some ground from the daily low. Turnover is low and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Trading should be successful if it was done before the daily low was reached.
Pound/Yen has seen its trend change as the pair walked in a total range of 46 pips, while attracting 20% less than typical funds. Sentiment of the market players is neutral, 9% short. There have been some chances for both sides, but the narrow price movement range and slow trading approach both are limiting factors.
Euro/Yen’s session has been slow – high and low difference is 37 pips and traded volume is extremely low. Most of the traders have had a bullish outlook, but no significant shifts in trading accounts are likely here as well.
I’m Jack Everitt and this brings Thursday’s Midday Snapshot to an end. Goodbye for now.
\nPound\/Dollar has been on a rise and it puts the pair point 29% up from the opening level at midday. The Cable sees just half of the monthly average funds and sentiment is neutral, but 14% short. Rise suggests a successful day for those who were long.
\nDollar\/Yen shows limited rate movement and trading has been passive as well. Sentiment of the traders is bullish at 24% long. Both the slow trading and narrow price movement range suggest no significant moves in funds should be expected.
\nPound\/Yen rose a couple of pips above the 152 level as it moved sharply up. Traded volume is average and bearish sentiment of the traders is 26% short. The rate has been moving sharply higher, bringing risks for investors.
\nEuro\/Yen has gained some ground as well and the pair stood point 33% in the green at 12 o\u2019clock. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to drop. It went sharply higher, making losses more likely.
\nI\u2019m ____________ and you've been watching the Midday Snapshot for Wednesday. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has moved slowly higher and the pair stands point 3% in the green at noon. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Gradual rise has brought risks, making losses more likely.
Pound/Dollar has been on a rise and it puts the pair point 29% up from the opening level at midday. The Cable sees just half of the monthly average funds and sentiment is neutral, but 14% short. Rise suggests a successful day for those who were long.
Dollar/Yen shows limited rate movement and trading has been passive as well. Sentiment of the traders is bullish at 24% long. Both the slow trading and narrow price movement range suggest no significant moves in funds should be expected.
Pound/Yen rose a couple of pips above the 152 level as it moved sharply up. Traded volume is average and bearish sentiment of the traders is 26% short. The rate has been moving sharply higher, bringing risks for investors.
Euro/Yen has gained some ground as well and the pair stood point 33% in the green at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is average and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to drop. It went sharply higher, making losses more likely.
I’m ____________ and you've been watching the Midday Snapshot for Wednesday. Goodbye for now.
\nPound\/Dollar shows similar picture \u2018volatility measures at 40 pips and traded volume is low. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher, but the passive trading along with the flat rate movement are indicating no significant profits or losses are likely.
\nDollar\/Yen\u2019s session has been calm as well \u2018 high and low difference is 18 pips and the pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds. Sentiment of the traders is neutral, 9% short. Trading has been slow and rate movement range narrow, so there haven\u2019t been a lot of profit opportunities.
\nPound\/Yen has traded in a total range of just 46 pips, but the pair sees an average amount of funds. Most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. There have been only limited profit chances due to the flat rate movement.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s session has been slow as well \u2018 volatility is 60 pips, but this pair has attracted an average amount of funds. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. The narrow price movement range is the limiting factor for investors.
\nI\u2019m __________ and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Friday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has mostly been trading sideways and the pair sees 20% less than typical funds. Neutral sentiment of the market players is 7% short. Both the slow trading and narrow price movement range are limiting factors.
Pound/Dollar shows similar picture – volatility measures at 40 pips and traded volume is low. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher, but the passive trading along with the flat rate movement are indicating no significant profits or losses are likely.
Dollar/Yen’s session has been calm as well – high and low difference is 18 pips and the pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds. Sentiment of the traders is neutral, 9% short. Trading has been slow and rate movement range narrow, so there haven’t been a lot of profit opportunities.
Pound/Yen has traded in a total range of just 46 pips, but the pair sees an average amount of funds. Most of those have been driven by bullish expectations. There have been only limited profit chances due to the flat rate movement.
Euro/Yen’s session has been slow as well – volatility is 60 pips, but this pair has attracted an average amount of funds. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. The narrow price movement range is the limiting factor for investors.
I’m __________ and this wraps up the Midday Snapshot for Friday.
\nPound\/Dollar shows limited rate movement range as well, but the pair has attracted an average amount of funds. Neutral sentiment is leaning towards the short side by 13% here. Both sides have seen only limited opportunities due to the narrow price movement range.
\nDollar\/Yen has been mostly trending higher and rise puts the pair point 25% in the green. Turnover is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations and only the calm trading limits upside potential.
\nPound\/Yen\u2019s session has been bullish and a gain of point 24% has been posted. Traded volume is extremely low and most of the funds have been driven by bullish expectations. Rise has provided plenty of chances for investors, but the calm trading approach limits upside potential.
\nEuro\/Yen rose by a total of 43 pips and a gain of point 16% was recorded at 12 o\u2019clock. Traded volume is low and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 9% short. Uptrend makes profits more likely for those who were in long positions.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and this brings Thursday\u2019s Midday Snapshot to an end.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar’s session has been slow – high and low difference is just 27 pips and traded volume is low. Neutral sentiment of the traders is almost at an even balance. Both the passive trading and the narrow price movement range suggest no significant moves in funds should be expected.
Pound/Dollar shows limited rate movement range as well, but the pair has attracted an average amount of funds. Neutral sentiment is leaning towards the short side by 13% here. Both sides have seen only limited opportunities due to the narrow price movement range.
Dollar/Yen has been mostly trending higher and rise puts the pair point 25% in the green. Turnover is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations and only the calm trading limits upside potential.
Pound/Yen’s session has been bullish and a gain of point 24% has been posted. Traded volume is extremely low and most of the funds have been driven by bullish expectations. Rise has provided plenty of chances for investors, but the calm trading approach limits upside potential.
Euro/Yen rose by a total of 43 pips and a gain of point 16% was recorded at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is low and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 9% short. Uptrend makes profits more likely for those who were in long positions.
I’m Jessica Walker and this brings Thursday’s Midday Snapshot to an end.
\nPound\/Dollar has walked in a total range of just 37 pips, but traded volume is high. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Rate movement has been generally flat, so both profits and losses should be minimal.
\nDollar\/Yen has been on a rise and it has resulted in a gain of point 13%. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, but short positions are up by 11%. Gradual uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who had long positions.
\nPound\/Yen rose by 62 pips, but some of the gains were given up afterwards. Traded volume is extremely low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 2% long. Rise was followed by a decline, providing both sides with their chances, but the calm trading approach is the limiting factor.
\nEuro\/Yen has been trending up and rise puts the pair point 13% in the green. Turnover is high and most of the market players have been forecasting the par to head South. It has been on a rise, bringing risks for investors.
\nI\u2019m Jack Everitt and this is how traders have performed so far on Wednesday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar shows limited rate movement range of 29 pips, but the pair has attracted an average amount of funds. Neutral sentiment of the traders is 2% short. The narrow price movement range suggests no significant moves in funds are likely.
Pound/Dollar has walked in a total range of just 37 pips, but traded volume is high. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Rate movement has been generally flat, so both profits and losses should be minimal.
Dollar/Yen has been on a rise and it has resulted in a gain of point 13%. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, but short positions are up by 11%. Gradual uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who had long positions.
Pound/Yen rose by 62 pips, but some of the gains were given up afterwards. Traded volume is extremely low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 2% long. Rise was followed by a decline, providing both sides with their chances, but the calm trading approach is the limiting factor.
Euro/Yen has been trending up and rise puts the pair point 13% in the green. Turnover is high and most of the market players have been forecasting the par to head South. It has been on a rise, bringing risks for investors.
I’m Jack Everitt and this is how traders have performed so far on Wednesday.
\nPound\/Dollar was back near the opening level at noon after walking in a total range of 49 pips. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. There have been both chances and risks as a single trend hasn\u2019t formed.
\nDollar\/Yen\u2019s day has been slow \u2018 high and low difference is just 16 pips and traded volume is extremely low. Sentiment of the market players is neutral, 7% long. Trading has been passive and rate movement flat, so no major moves in funds are likely.
\nPound\/Yen was back near the opening level after walking in a total range of 47 pips. This pair sees 40% less than typical funds and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. There have been some chances and risks, but the slow trading is the limiting factor.
\nEuro\/Yen has been on a rise and it has resulted in a gain of point 23%. Traded volume is extremely low and neutral sentiment is close to an even balance. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for bulls.
\nI\u2019m Kiays Khalil and you`ve been watching the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has been trending slowly up and rise puts the pair point 22% in the green. Traded volume is extremely low and most of the market players have been forecasting the pair to head lower. Gradual rise makes losses more likely, but they should be cushioned by the slow trading.
Pound/Dollar was back near the opening level at noon after walking in a total range of 49 pips. The Cable sees a typical amount of funds and most of them have been driven by bearish expectations. There have been both chances and risks as a single trend hasn’t formed.
Dollar/Yen’s day has been slow – high and low difference is just 16 pips and traded volume is extremely low. Sentiment of the market players is neutral, 7% long. Trading has been passive and rate movement flat, so no major moves in funds are likely.
Pound/Yen was back near the opening level after walking in a total range of 47 pips. This pair sees 40% less than typical funds and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower. There have been some chances and risks, but the slow trading is the limiting factor.
Euro/Yen has been on a rise and it has resulted in a gain of point 23%. Traded volume is extremely low and neutral sentiment is close to an even balance. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for bulls.
I’m Kiays Khalil and you`ve been watching the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday. Goodbye for now.
\nPound\/Dollar has appreciated as well and a gain of point 37% has been posted. The Cable sees less than half of the monthly average funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate did go higher, but the slow trading approach should cushion losses.
\nDollar\/Yen has moved slowly South to trade point 17% in the red at midday. Turnover is extremely low and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 5% short. Bears have been in better positions, but both the slow trading and narrow price movement range are limiting factors.
\nPound\/Yen has been trending up, but a late decline has wiped out some of the gains. This pair sees just half of the monthly average funds and sentiment of the traders is bearish, 16% short. Gradual rise has brought some risks, but the passive trading approach is the limiting factor.
\nEuro\/Yen has been on a rise and it puts the pair point 25% in the green. Traded volume is average and most of the market players have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations, making profits very much likely.
\nI\u2019m Kiays Khalil and you`ve been watching the Midday Snapshot for Monday.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has seen a rise, which puts the pair point 42% in the green. Turnover is low and neutral sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 9%. Bullish rate movement has provided solid profit opportunities for those who were long.
Pound/Dollar has appreciated as well and a gain of point 37% has been posted. The Cable sees less than half of the monthly average funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. The rate did go higher, but the slow trading approach should cushion losses.
Dollar/Yen has moved slowly South to trade point 17% in the red at midday. Turnover is extremely low and sentiment of the market players is neutral, 5% short. Bears have been in better positions, but both the slow trading and narrow price movement range are limiting factors.
Pound/Yen has been trending up, but a late decline has wiped out some of the gains. This pair sees just half of the monthly average funds and sentiment of the traders is bearish, 16% short. Gradual rise has brought some risks, but the passive trading approach is the limiting factor.
Euro/Yen has been on a rise and it puts the pair point 25% in the green. Traded volume is average and most of the market players have been forecasting the pair to head higher. It did go per those expectations, making profits very much likely.
I’m Kiays Khalil and you`ve been watching the Midday Snapshot for Monday.
\nPound\/Dollar moved sharply South hours into the session and the pair stood point 27% in the red at midday. The Cable sees 39% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 8% long. Decline puts bearish market players in better positions so far.
\nDollar\/Yen declined by 37 pips, but a following rise has cancelled out some of the loss. Traded volume is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Decline has brought risks, but the late increase was good news for investors.
\nPound\/Yen has moved South by 75 pips and the pair stood point 44% in the red at 12 o\u2019clock. Traders have used 32% more than typical funds trading this pair and most of them have been forecasting the rate to head higher. It went in the opposite direction to those forecasts, making losses more likely.
\nEuro\/Yen\u2019s trend has changed and the pair was back near the opening level at noon. Turnover is average and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities before the daily low was reached.
\nI\u2019m Jessica Walker and that`s it for Friday`s Midday Snapshot. Goodbye for now.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has moved slowly up to trade point 21% in the green at noon. Turnover is low and neutral sentiment of the traders is 3% short. Gradual uptrend makes a successful start of the day more likely for those who were in long positions.
Pound/Dollar moved sharply South hours into the session and the pair stood point 27% in the red at midday. The Cable sees 39% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is 8% long. Decline puts bearish market players in better positions so far.
Dollar/Yen declined by 37 pips, but a following rise has cancelled out some of the loss. Traded volume is low and most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher. Decline has brought risks, but the late increase was good news for investors.
Pound/Yen has moved South by 75 pips and the pair stood point 44% in the red at 12 o’clock. Traders have used 32% more than typical funds trading this pair and most of them have been forecasting the rate to head higher. It went in the opposite direction to those forecasts, making losses more likely.
Euro/Yen’s trend has changed and the pair was back near the opening level at noon. Turnover is average and most of the funds have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities before the daily low was reached.
I’m Jessica Walker and that`s it for Friday`s Midday Snapshot. Goodbye for now.
\nPound\/Dollar has moved gradually higher and rise puts the pair point 28% in the green. Traded volume is low and neutral sentiment is just 9% long. Gradual uptrend puts bullish market players in better positions so far today.
\nDollar\/Yen has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at noon. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 4% short. Shifting trend has provided both of the close to equal sides with their profit chances.
\nPound\/Yen gave up most of the gains after reaching the daily high. Traded volume is low and neutral sentiment is at an even balance. Both sides have had their profit chances as the trend changed after the daily high was reached.
\nEuro\/Yen recovered most of the loss after the low of 133 13 was reached. This pair sees 38% less than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities before the daily low was reached.
\nI\u2019m Kiays Khalil and this wraps up Thursday`s Midday Snapshot.","lang":"en">' class="tvvideoissue videoTitle0">
Euro/Dollar has walked in a total range of just 33 pips, but the pair sees a typical amount of funds. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head higher, but the flat rate movement suggests no significant moves in funds are likely.
Pound/Dollar has moved gradually higher and rise puts the pair point 28% in the green. Traded volume is low and neutral sentiment is just 9% long. Gradual uptrend puts bullish market players in better positions so far today.
Dollar/Yen has seen its trend change and the pair was back near the opening level at noon. Turnover is low and sentiment of the traders is neutral, 4% short. Shifting trend has provided both of the close to equal sides with their profit chances.
Pound/Yen gave up most of the gains after reaching the daily high. Traded volume is low and neutral sentiment is at an even balance. Both sides have had their profit chances as the trend changed after the daily high was reached.
Euro/Yen recovered most of the loss after the low of 133 13 was reached. This pair sees 38% less than typical funds and most of those have been driven by bearish expectations. Traders had their profit opportunities before the daily low was reached.
I’m Kiays Khalil and this wraps up Thursday`s Midday Snapshot.
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